WCSD Kindergarten Registration is ONLINE and OPEN now!!
Happy New Year!
American Red Cross: Pediatric and Adult 1st Aid / CPR / AED
For: Parent/Guardian of a WCSD Student or a WCSD Student (17yrs+)
When: Saturday, February 4, 2023
Time: 8am-3pm
Place: WCSD Central Office
6820 Market Street Ext.
Russell, PA 16345
Cost: $36.00
No Cash
Checks made payable to: WCSD (Bring payment at
time of training)
To register, please contact:
Tiffany Lester - Office of Pupil Services
(814)723-6903 ext. 1037
10 Winter Math Activities to Ring in the New Year: https://tinyurl.com/yukfxyvk
Happy Holidays from JiJi!
The PA Department of Community and Economic Development issued a press release on December 1st urging Pennsylvanians to review the FCC's new broadband access map for accuracy. Click the link to see the entire press release: http://ow.ly/26R150LVin1.
The WCSD urges you to review the resources the DCED has provided at that link and see if your actual experience with both broadband and mobile broadband service agree with what the FCC says you have. If not, consider challenging the FCC's data by following the processes provided by the DCED.
Challenges to the FCC Broadband Map must be submitted by January 13, 2023. The accuracy of the PA segment of the FCC map is absolutely crucial to the effort to bring high-speed internet access to more residents here in Warren County!
The holiday break is quickly approaching, and it is a wonderful time for your child to continue practicing reading. Amplify Reading is a program that will allow this to happen. Follow the directions below to access your child’s account.
Attention parents with a child in K-5:
Amplify Reading Program Overview: https://youtu.be/rMo3o2eJGSk
ST Math Program Overview: https://youtu.be/BpHzR4QWGS0
Games to promote success in mathematics
Follow the link below to learn more about a part-time opening at Beacon Light Behavioral Health System for a Part-time SAP Liaison/Prevention Specialist.
Check out the picture below for at home math ideas.
Four "at home" strategies to promote success in Mathematics with your child.
Support your child at home with ST Math.
Click on the link below to get started!
You have been invited by Warren Area Elementary Center to give feedback using Satchel Pulse. Go to https://app.satchelpulse.com/parents?country=us to sign up and use school ID 002594 to join the school. Thank you.
The WCSD is using Satchel Pulse to gather anonymous feedback from parents, students, and staff. Keep an eye out here or on your building websites and social media pages for more information on when you can participate.
The WCSD appreciates your participation!
The Warren County School District Parent-Teacher Conference Day is approaching. In order to schedule a conference with one or more of your child's teachers, please contact the building's main office.
Warren County Virtual Learning Registration Link - This link is for any Warren County Student who wishes to take a virtual class this upcoming school year. We are still completing orientations for Full/Part Time Students. Students in the building will receive and email regarding their online orientation in the buzz system. The virtual team will be around in the buildings the first week of school to assist building students with logging on and beginning their courses as needed. - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=5H8HhE0j_EmCsJyTTTqn4lidUnDzR4lOloVjXFPQKwhUQ1BPNko5V1ROVkk0M0dXTUoyNlFMSE1BMC4u
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Warren
County School District! It's everything Warren County
School District, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3aLBTUh
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3ILbCBU
Virtual Education Registration for 2022-23
Any student planning on participating in virtual education next year in some fashion, be it full-time, part-time, credit recovery, enrichment, and/or singleton, must complete the registration information found at the link below:
Questions about virtual education and/or the registration process may be addressed to Ericka Alm, Administrator, alme@wcsdpa.org, (814) 723- 0574 ext. 1702, or Neal Kent, Online Coordinator, kentn@wcsdpa.org - (814) 723-0574 ext. 1317.
The Warren County School District will be holding an Open Interview Day for support positions in the following departments:
This event will be held at the Warren County School District Central Office on Monday, July 25, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m. and again from 1:00 p.m. through 3:00 p.m. A representative from Kelly Educational Staffing will also be present to interview those interested in substituting.
Please bring a current resume, contact information of 3 work references, and any other supporting documentation to the interview.
This is a “walk in” event…no appointment is needed.